How Can Panchakarma Treat IBS Problems ? | Samwarthika Ayurveda Hospital

Panchakarma Treat IBS Problems


Treating Grahani or IBS through Ayurveda involves a multifaceted approach, focusing on Panchakarma, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle modifications.



In Ayurveda, the choice of therapies and formulations for treating IBS depends on the specific nature of the condition and the overall health of the patient. Ayurvedic medicines are carefully selected to address the individual’s body type and the characteristics of the disease, with the aim of rectifying issues within the Gastro-intestinal tract (GIT) and boosting metabolism.


Bio-Detoxification, known as Panchakarma, plays a significant role in IBS treatment. Different types of Panchakarma treatments, such as Virechana, Basti, Dhara, are recommended based on the specific type of Grahani (IBS). These therapies contribute to improving gut motility, rectifying digestive fire, maintaining and restoring a healthy balance of gut bacteria, and ensuring proper stool evacuation. Customized treatments are provided to patients to fully restore their health.


Diet and Lifestyle:

IBS is often considered a lifestyle-related ailment, primarily stemming from poor lifestyle choices and an inappropriate diet. A key aspect of treatment involves adopting the right dietary and lifestyle patterns.


Patients are advised to steer clear of junk foods, allergenic or hard-to-digest foods. Ayurveda recognizes that each individual has a unique body constitution, and dietary recommendations are tailored to suit one’s specific needs. These diets promote the production of digestive enzymes, improve digestion, restore a healthy intestinal flora, and address nutrient deficiencies. Importantly, they facilitate regular and normal bowel movements.


Stress and depression are factors that can trigger initial IBS symptoms or Grahani. These conditions disrupt the functioning of the digestive fire. Ayurveda recommends practices like meditation, yoga, and pranayama to nurture the mind and enhance stress resistance. It also provides systematic regimens, such as seasonal rules (Ritucharya) and daily routines (Dinacharya), aimed at preventing diseases resulting from an unhealthy lifestyle.


At Samwarthika, a thorough evaluation by a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner is conducted. This assessment considers the individual’s Prakriti (general health and body constitution) to formulate a tailor-made treatment plan based on one’s body type. Ayurvedic therapy focuses on the individual’s holistic well-being and places a strong emphasis on disease prevention and the management of an unhealthy lifestyle.