Explore authentic Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes in Kerala, India. Discover holistic remedies deeply rooted in ancient wisdom to manage diabetes naturally. Find personalized solutions for better blood sugar control.
Diabetes, characterized by elevated blood sugar levels, is a condition that stems from the insufficient production of insulin by the pancreas or the body’s inadequate response to the produced insulin. In the case of type 2 diabetes, this phenomenon is often attributed to insulin resistance.
Interestingly, the origins of the description of Diabetes mellitus can be traced back to ancient Ayurvedic scriptures dating back to around 1500 BC. Within these texts, the Ayurvedic Physicians referred to it as ‘Madhumeha,’ translating to “honey urine” or “sweet urine.” This term was chosen due to the observation that the urine of individuals with diabetes would attract ants. Elaboration within the Charaka Samhita and Susruta Samhita delineated two major classifications of Madhumeha: Type 1, affecting the young, and Type 2, associated with body weight.
In Ayurveda, Diabetes (Prameha) is classified into 20 types based on imbalances in the three fundamental doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha – which are connected to the five natural elements: Space, Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. Kapha dosha vitiation is commonly associated with diabetes. Ayurvedic treatment aims to restore balance to the doshas. Timely detection of diabetes allows for effective recovery through Ayurvedic procedures and herbal remedies. Detoxification is crucial for diabetes management, as it enhances metabolism and improves cellular response to insulin.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes in Kerala at Samwarthika Ayurveda Hospital
Individual constitution forms the basis of diabetes management in Ayurveda. Type 1 diabetes treatment involves ahara (diet), vihara (lifestyle), and oushadha (medicinal treatments) to boost body tissues. For type 2 diabetes in obese patients with elevated doshas, body purification is recommended. Treatment depends on the dosha predominance.
Type 2 Diabetes Treatment:
Panchakarma: This Ayurvedic detoxification method effectively addresses lifestyle conditions like diabetes. It is a comprehensive purificatory treatment.
Shodana: Targeting the root cause, Shodana detoxifies the body, eliminating harmful toxins.
Shamana: A healing treatment, Shamana balances imbalances and revives core bodily functions affected during illness.
Control Through Diet and Lifestyle
Effective management of diabetes focuses on ahara (diet), vihara (exercise), and oushadha (medicines). Dietary and lifestyle practices are key to blood sugar control and prevention of complications.
Dietary Guidelines:
§ Healthy fats from sources like nuts, olive oil, fish oils, flax seeds, and avocados.
§ Colorful fruits and vegetables, emphasizing whole fruits over juices.
§ High-fiber whole grains for cereals and bread.
§ Lean protein sources such as fish, organic chicken, turkey, beans, and eggs.
§ Reduce:
§ Processed and fast foods, particularly sugary options.
§ White bread, sugary cereals, refined pasta, and rice.
§ Processed and red meats.
§ Low-fat products with added sugars.
In essence, a diabetic diet centers on overall dietary patterns rather than fixating on specific foods. Prioritize natural, unprocessed foods while minimizing packaged and convenience foods.
By following Ayurvedic principles and embracing a balanced diet and lifestyle, individuals can effectively manage diabetes and promote their overall well-being.
Samwarthika Ayurveda Hospital is renowned for its professional Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes in Kerala. The core focus of this program lies in rejuvenating the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans within the pancreas. This rejuvenation leads to the adequate production of insulin. Moreover, the program seeks to enhance the sensitivity of body tissues, particularly muscle and fat cells, to the insulin secreted. This approach is supplemented by modifications in lifestyle and dietary habits, which play a pivotal role in swiftly regulating blood sugar levels.
It’s noteworthy that the majority of diabetes cases, more than 90%, fall under Type 2 diabetes. Unlike Type 1, Type 2 diabetes is often treatable, and successful management can lead to optimal blood sugar control.

Diabetes, a chronic metabolic disorder, is characterized by high blood sugar levels. Common symptoms include excessive thirst, frequent urination, unexplained weight loss, and fatigue. Prolonged uncontrolled diabetes can lead to complications affecting the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart.

Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes offer a holistic approach to managing blood sugar levels. Drawing from traditional wisdom, these remedies focus on balancing the body’s doshas, particularly Kapha and Pitta. Herbal supplements like bitter melon, fenugreek, and Indian gooseberry are known for their potential to help regulate blood sugar. Dietary modifications, emphasizing whole grains, fresh vegetables, and low-sugar fruits, are vital in controlling diabetes. Yoga, meditation, and stress reduction techniques are also integrated to address lifestyle factors. Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes provide a comprehensive strategy for promoting overall well-being and improved glucose management.
People also ask:
Can diabetes be cured permanently with Ayurvedic medicine?
Indeed, Ayurvedic treatments can significantly contribute to controlling blood glucose levels in individuals with diabetes, often leading to a state where patients experience improved well-being and a semblance of normalcy. While Ayurvedic remedies may not provide an absolute cure for diabetes, they offer substantial benefits in terms of glucose regulation and overall health enhancement.
Can Ayurveda cure high blood sugar?
You’re correct. Diabetes is a chronic condition that doesn’t have a permanent cure, but it can be effectively managed through various approaches, including Ayurvedic remedies. Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to controlling high blood sugar levels and promoting overall well-being.
What is the permanent cure for diabetes?
You are correct. As of now, there is no known permanent cure for diabetes. However, in some cases, diabetes can go into remission. Remission in diabetes refers to a period where the body’s blood sugar levels are within a normal range, and individuals do not exhibit the typical symptoms of diabetes. However, it’s important to note that even during remission, the underlying condition is still present, and careful management is necessary to prevent relapse.