How Ayurveda Treats Liver Diseases ?

How ayurveda treats liver disease


Ayurveda, renowned for its safe and effective remedies, holds significant potential in the treatment of Fatty Liver.

The Virechana procedure, a well-suited detoxification practice, finds relevance in liver disorders during states of excessive dosha accumulation and blockages within the body’s channels (srotas). Additionally, the utilization of safe and potent hepatoprotective herbs proves effective in addressing various liver conditions.

As Fatty Liver advances and affects deeper tissue layers (dhatus), treatment shifts towards enhancing the nourishment of the Rasa (plasma) and Rakta (blood) tissues, along with specialized therapy for liver disorders.

Ayurvedic literature elucidates the importance of formulations like Guda Ardraka Yoga and Gomutra Haritaki Prayoga in managing fatty liver disease.

Several Ayurvedic formulations are documented in classical texts, presenting a wide array of options for addressing fatty liver. These include Pippali Churna, Patoladi Churna, Mahasudarshana Churna, Rohitaka Choorna, Agnitundi Vati, Arogyavardhini Vati, Patola Katurohinyadi Kashaya, Rohitakarishta, Pippalyasava, Kumaryasava, Kalameghasava, Yakrit-Plihari Loha, and more. However, it’s advised to consult an Ayurvedic physician before utilizing these formulations.


Ayurveda and Liver Care:


Ayurveda offers a twofold contribution to liver care. Firstly, it addresses liver diseases—such as hepatitis, steatohepatitis, and fibrosis—via specialized treatments. The second facet pertains to prevention and protection—arresting fatty liver changes, reversing initial stages of fatty liver, and safeguarding against non-infective hepatitis.

Ayurveda views the liver (“yakrit”) as a vital organ linked to the “rasa vaha srothas” (nutritional channel), intricately tied to the “pitha” dosha. Balancing the “pitha” dosha emerges as paramount for liver protection, particularly for individuals who have faced hepatitis attacks or possess fatty liver alterations.


Ayurvedic Liver Treatment:


Panchakarma therapies, particularly virechana, play a pivotal role in liver treatment, as they address “pitha” dosha directly and detoxify the body. Kerala Ayurvedic practitioners prescribe internal medicines tailored to the liver’s condition and prevailing symptoms.

Key Ayurvedic Herbs for Liver Treatment encompass gulchi (Tinospora cordifolia), karela (Momordica charantia), vasaka (Justicia adhatoda), draksha (grapes), pippali (piper longum), Madhuka (Madhuca longifolia), turmeric (Curcuma longa), ginger, and more. Combination formulations, commonly utilized in Kerala Ayurvedic medicine, consist of Guluchyadi kashayam, Drakshadi kashayam, Avipathy choornam, Vasaguluchyadi kashayam, hepamruth syrup, and others.

Our clinical experiences exhibit encouraging outcomes, including the reversal of fatty liver changes and the resolution of hepatitis through Ayurvedic approaches. Feel free to inquire below if you seek guidance on liver health.


How to Prevent Liver Diseases?


Liver-Friendly Diet:


Moderate consumption of spicy, fermented, sour, and fried foods, particularly in warmer months. Timely eating should not be disregarded. Eliminate alcohol, smoking, refined flour, fast food, artificial colours, and preservatives. Minimize sugar consumption. Incorporate herbs like coriander, ajwain, cumin, mint, and turmeric to promote “pitha” equilibrium. Strengthen the liver with cruciferous vegetables, kale, cabbage, spinach, beetroot, berries, and more.


Lifestyle for Liver Protection:


Control anger to maintain “pitha” balance, as anger, anxiety, and stress generate inflammatory substances that may harm the liver. Adhere to a regular sleep and activity routine to mitigate similar risks.